Theater / Literature – 13-19 years
In the year of Covid-19, most people have experienced the feeling of being alone, isolated, and missing family and friends. For some, these feelings are part of an everyday life. Being different can be the starting point for someone being bullied and left out, and some feel this more on their body than others during the school years. At the same time, you must find yourself and understand who you are. If you constantly are being defined as “someone who does not fit in”, this can have major consequences for your self-esteem and the development of your own identity. ARR is a theater script about a boy who is alone and has been bullied. We follow his last year at High School, where he experiences a genuine friendship for the first time, at the same time as the challenges from the bullies are there. With the help of the new friend, a hope is ignited that life can be better.
Script read by Kristian Glomnes

Foto: Kristian Glomnes, Seanse