Theatre - 5-10 years
Children are very concerned about justice. They want everything to be shared equally; the glass of juice, the bag of goodies, who does the least or most, or who should be first. Teater Spillebrikkene wants the children to reflect on justice in their own everyday life. How do I share with others? What do I do to make others feel good? And how do the adults do it when they share with each other? Are they always fair? With "Pakken", Teater Spillebrikkene conveys a complex theme in a way that the children feel that in. The foresight arouses empathy and compassion, and not least the children get to know that justice is more than sharing a chocolate equally. Maybe the host even planted a small wish to change the world?
Contributors: Inger Gundersen, Charlotte Grundt, Knut Steen, Hedda Munthe and Dag H. Engebråten