Hallo i Kosmos
Theater / music - 6-10 years
Teater Tinghuset seeks through "Hallo Kosmos" to ignite the curiosity and research spark in children, and at the same time stimulate children's reflection in relation to the technological world we live in. We meet three cosmonauts from the high-tech planet Voldå. Their job is to look for alien solar systems and keep their eyes open for new planets. They are on their way home, but accidentally crash-land on an alien planet far out in the cosmos. To their great astonishment, they discover that the nature of the alien planet may be the key to creating power and energy so that they can travel home. The performance's soundscape is an important part of the experience, and helps us visualize the waves that surround us, but that we can not see.
Contributors: Linn Wennersten, Tora Nilsen, Ida Høy, Lisa Hjalmarson and Anders Ravn-Nilsen