Grandma på brua
Site specific theatre - 5-10 years
On the railway bridge in Trondheim there is a tiny little house. Before, the bridge guard sat there. Now the house is empty. Every day, many children and adults pass by. Maybe they should visit someone and have to take the bus? Maybe they will return after a trip at home or abroad? Maybe they cross the bridge on a Sunday trip? Most children who pass by the house may think, “What is going on in this house? What does it look like inside? Can one go into it? What happens if someone comes out of this house? Who can be in there, coming out? Why is the house there? »In the small house on the bridge lives a grandmother. One day there is a knock on the door and outside there is a penguin. For every day that passes, new penguins arrive, and soon it gets quite crowded in the little house. Where do the penguins come from? And why are they coming here exactly? "Grandmother", Berit Rusten wants to create life in the small house on the railway bridge, which she believes has its own magic, which she wants to make available to an audience.