En mørk hemmelighet
Crossover - 7-10 years
Through sound and voice in a dark room, can we perhaps sense everything much stronger? Walking in the woods in pitch darkness is an exciting and frightening experience, but above all an exceptionally sensual experience. All senses are used and all impressions are magnified. Can we manage to create a similar experience indoors? In a world where the sense of sight is the most dominant and used of our senses, it is an exciting challenge to research sensuality. We are so overwhelmed by visual impressions that almost nothing impresses us anymore. Or is it like that? And do the many visual impressions affect our inner imagination? Are we less trained to imagine now than before? Can we train our imagination and, if so, how? In the project, Inger Bakke and Magnar Åm aim to find a way to communicate, where children are active participants and where they experience art in a direct and concrete way.