Theatre performance - 6-9 years
Light blue is a scared boy, but no one knows. Everyone thinks he's such a tough guy. When Light Blue arrives at school, he brings with him his toy tractor filled with swords, laser swords, revolvers, water pistols, shields, axes and a bow and arrow, so that he can protect himself against everything he does not understand and what he is afraid of. The school finds him difficult. He has trouble concentrating on the letters and numbers. In the schoolyard, Light Blue often stands alone. He is not allowed to join when the other boys play football, because he is so bad. Therefore, he destroys when others play. The teachers yell and call him a problem child and the others laugh at him. Deep down, Light Blue dreams of being a superhero and that the others will see that he too achieves something and is not just stupid, naughty and a little dot in the universe. A different hero story told through a clown named Light Blue. The performance seeks to twist and turn superhero references, gender stereotypes and ideals and creates its own heroic story. If only Light Blue could become a superhero, the sequel to the hit show "If only Pink could conjure".
Contributors: Katja Brita Lindeberg, Dagfinn Tutturen, Martin Mulholland, Eirik B Torsethaugen and Thale Kvam Olsen.