Der kleine Harlekin
Music / dance / storytelling - 6-9 years
In Vestnes Kulturskole's version of Der kleine Harlekin, the play is used as a basis in a stage production with clarinetist, percussionist, dancer and narrator. A classic Harlequin story has been created as a setting, where the dancing clarinetist is the main character. In a choreography based on the piece of music, musically supplemented with percussion / percussion, Harlequin and the female dancer meet. The narrator ties the story together and illustrates other people involved in the plot: the king and the witch. Harlequin and the princess meet, the king and the witch make intricacies, but Harlequin and the princess are reunited in the end. This performance is a desire to reach out to school students with an exciting piece of music, made available to the target group through the frame story and dance.
Contributors: Stefan Bocken, Olla Rypdal, Robert Sztorc and Kristy Winspur.