Inbetween Two Wor(l)ds
Performance / workshop - 13-15 years
Young people are in a developmental phase where their own identity is something you try hard to find through others. The development is much related to gender and the role one gets in social contexts. This performance will show that the limited categories 'he' and 'she' are not necessarily the only ones, by introducing a new category they call 'hin'. This category is unfolded in a character who is ‘inbetween’, who does not identify as he, she or both. The performance opens up for reflection on one's own identity by communicating the freedom and limitations that exist in the gender roles we put ourselves in. The actors want to touch the youth both humorously and hurtfully through a discovery of different gender expressions. They do this through a dance performance and a catwalk where young people get to explore physical feminine and masculine movements with their own bodies, and a workshop where young people themselves choreograph situations where they put themselves in different gender roles.