WHEN: November 24, 2023
TIME: 9:30 - 16:00 (18:00)
WHERE: Turneteatret`s lokaler i Verdal.
PRICE: Fullprice 360 kr / Student 260kr
How do the different art forms relate to the phenomena of light, shadow and darkness? We think of everything from the very practice of light design and shadow theater in the performing arts and dance, the practices of image and photographic art, and the metaphorical and symbolic language in literature, text or film.
- When and where is light, shadow or darkness central and an important part of, and in, the communication?
- Which working methods can be shared and experienced between artists from different fields?
Light, Shadow & Darkness is an interdisciplinary workshop for professional artists in various fields and other art professionals. An offer for students in dance, drama, theatre, literature, visual arts, music and more. The art workshop is set up so that all mentors and participants follow the workshops during the day. The workshops are practical and we will learn and experience through interaction.
The invited artists Steve Tiplady, Annette Saugestad Helland and Christian Sunde will share their experience and practice which together will cover the areas of performing arts, literature, illustration, music and visual art/sculpture. Regardless of your role as a professional artist, student or otherwise, opportunities will be created during the day for both an exciting, fun and professional approach with the aim of inspiring transfer value from your own point of view.
The event will be taking place in Norwegian and English and is a collaboration between Seance, Dans i Trøndelag and Turneteateret.

Kl. 9.30 - 10.00
Introduction of Session with Dance in Trøndelag and the Turneteateret.
- short presentation of the Seanse and background for the workshop
Kl. 10.00 - 11.15
Workshop - Steve Tiplady
Kl. 11.15 - 11.30
Short Break
Kl. 11.30 - 12.45 (canceld due to illness)
Workshop - Annette Saugestad Helland
Kl. 12.45 - 13.45
Kl. 13.45 - 15.00
Workshop - Christian Sunde
Kl. 15.00 - 15.15
Short break
Kl. 15.15 - 16.00
Reflection and summary
- Transfer value to own fields?
Kl. 16.00 - 18.00
Voluntary - Lounge for those who want to take the conversation further.

Where else should one seek the help of light than here in the Nordics. Through long months, darkness oppresses us. Every sensitive person feels somewhat diminished during the dark ages, and then we can help our fellow human beings by using the resources technology offers us to dampen the psychological effect of darkness
Arvid Lippestad
Tanker om lys (1959) - Published by LUMA Norsk Glødelampefabrikk AS

Steve Tiplady (EN)

Shadow theatre
Puppeteer and director Steve Tiplady is Co-Artistic Director of Indefinite Articles with Sally Todd. Indefinite Articles made its Royal Opera House debut in 2013 on The Firework-Maker’s Daughter, for which Tiplady is puppet director and puppeteer. Tiplady has devised and performed in all Indefinite Articles productions, in which he has performed for over 20 years with over 2000 performance in 15 countries. Steve has had a longstanding interest in shadows, he has given shadow workshops across the world and directed many shows. He has also worked as a shadow consultant for major UK theatre companies Improbable, Oily Cart, Complicite, Opera North and the RSC.

Annette Saugestad Helland (NO)

Annette Saugestad works as a writer, illustrator, director and animator, with picture books and animated films. She is associated with Illustrators, Mikrofilm and True Fiction, and works with Gyldendal and Aschehoug, among others. She mainly works with books and films aimed at children and young people, and has extensive experience with and great commitment to this target group. She alternates between work with books, film and digital projects, and has also recently illustrated the picture book Karin og Mørket, with text by Janne Camilla Lyster, and directed the short film Mørkredd, produced by True Fiction. She will start from experiences from these two work processes in the workshop, and work with the theme within text and image.

Christian Sunde (NO)

Sculpture/visual art
Christian Sunde's art is distributed all over Norway; He is a well-known artist with more than thirty-five major decoration commissions in both private and public arenas. Sunde is an artist who constantly experiments with a multitude of different media and materials. The absolute largest part of Sunde's art is site-specific. He is an artist who thrives best when he has to adapt his ideas and his creativity to a defined physical space. He takes artisanal joy in finding out how a given material can be used and manipulated to reach its maximum potential. Whether it is wood, acrylic plastic, papiri, LED lights or metal, Sunde's works are solid examples of the result of patient and hard work.

Moderator - Karstein Solli
Artistic director of Seanse
Moderator for the summary with reflections will be held by Karstein Solli. He is a Norwegian stage artist, choreographer and senior lecturer in acting, drama and theater communication. He has mime and theater training from the Ecole Jaques Lecoq in Paris, the Desmond Jones School of Mime, London and the Mime department at the Theater School in Amsterdam (1982-86). Since 1987, he has produced solo performances and carried out larger productions under his own auspices. Last known for the production, Rock-me-Baby (0-5 years). Solli has been teaching at many different and renowned art institutions both in Norway and abroad for a long time. From 2009, Solli has been the artistic director of Seanse.

«Når du slukker lyset, får du et strålende eksempel på mørke»
Vainö Nuorteva (1889-1967)
Finsk forfatter og redaktør
Contact Kristian Glomnes from Seanse på or Kenneth Bruun from Dance i Trøndelag at
Coverbilde: Christian Sunde.
Lyskule og figurer: Annette Saugestad.