Seanse arbeider for at alle barn og unge skal kunne oppleve og uttrykke seg gjennom kunst.

Vi arrangerer kunstneropphold, seminar, kunstverksteder og konferanser.

We wanted to say thank you for this great residency in Volda. It has been really nice to be there, and to be surrounded by other artists. Working in these conditions is optimal, as we felt that we could focus on what we’re doing, and the way it was organized with the little presentation in the middle of the week pushed us to be clear with our ideas and produce something on stage. All in all, the process went very well and we are surprised by how rich this experience has been for our group. So, thank you very much."

The Krumple Theater Company



Vi er gledelig overrasket over den store interessen for våre programmer. Det store responsen viser tydelig at det er et stort behov for støtte og veiledning i kunstproduksjon.